Monday, March 7, 2011

Making it as a Mom... we are at another Monday!

Last Monday I mentioned I would share some...

Not so fun moments of being a mom!

We all have them...and this week was no exception...

You know that time your in the car...driving along...chatting with your in the back?!?

And then you hear that deadful know the one...

It sounds like a HUGE ocean is pouring into your car...

You turn back only to find you have to pull over right away... grab anything to catch the liquid...

You turn to your husband...he is jumping in the back...and you turn around....

after driving for an hour only to return back home?!?!?!?

Yep that was my weekend!

Happy Monday being a mom!!!

Gotta love it!


1 comment:

  1. TOTAlly Feel your pain. Fischer did that at Lowe's It was aweful and went EVERYWHERE. Also did it in the car on the way home. Having sick kids is no fun.
