Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shocking! was the big one! 
You know the day where you could put ALL the thoughts inside your head to rest and get started on them?!?!?

For months now I have been planning on painting a crib...white....with pink stenciling...really light pink...

I had a name! A cute girl name picked out!

I know we are missing a little girl in the family! I thought for sure we would add her......

but...then I heard the tech say...IT'S A BOY!

All I could do was lay there in COMPLETE shock! I didn't even know what to think!

The crib...I won't be painting...cause I don't think he would appreciate pink on his crib...

A name...nope have NO clue where to even begin with figuring one out!

All I could do was stare at this child....for almost 22 weeks I thought it was a girl in there....

I am wrong. And it is okay! 

He is healthy, well, and ready to be in the family! 

Did I mention...I gave away ALL my boy stuff...yes....I really did!

I thought for sure we were having a girl and then we were done....:) is a boy...we will get cute little blue and green things...a new house...and....well...not the last baby like we thought...but we will get this bundle of joy to love....and Richard will get his prayers answered :) 

The first words Richard said to me..."I told ya mom!"
He has said from day one he was praying for a boy! Looks like his faith is stronger then mine :)!

Soooo...shocking...but good....IT'S A BOY! 



  1. That's so wild! lol That's too cute Richard was praying for a brother. That's so sweet :) And I'm sure another boy will be GREAT fun! :D

  2. Hooray! We love boys. And there's something to be said for balance, right? For a minute, anyway...

  3. Hi, Nicole here from Romanian Princess. I love your blog, I'm your newest follower! Please come stop by my blog and if you like it, PLEASE follow! Thanks!

    XoXo Nicole Mariana

  4. Super fun! My son was sure I was having a boy so he could have a brother. he wasn't very happy when the Doctor said girl. He now has 4 sisters and hopefully we will be blessed with a brother on our last sweetie sent from Heaven! I was wondering what font you used on your Lead Me, Guide Me, Walk Beside Me Blocks? I just love that font and want to make some Choose the Right Blocks for my daughters baptism. Thanks!
