So...I think Friday is a good time to post food! I LOVE food!...well there is a catch...I only like GOOD. YUMMY. REAL. GOOD. FOOD.
On Friday's I will be sharing some of my favorite recipes...maybe not every Friday...but I will do my best :)! at Christmas time is a HUGE tradition...we started ours this year...
Christmas Eve we do CREPES! Yum!
If you have never had one before you HAVE to make them! They are delicious! To get them perfect use very little batter and with a ladle pour the batter on to a non-stick pan and smooth it out with the ladle....
Don't get may take a couple tries!
Then the inside is this...
All the FRUIT you could want...and you can't forget this...
Powder sugar, cinnamon and sugar, nutella, and whip cream!
Roll it all together...and you get pure YUMMINESS!
Here is the recipe:
Combine 3 C. flour, 3 TB sugar, 2 1/4 tsp salt in large bowl.
Mix 9 eggs with 4 C. milk then combine bowls, mixing well.
Melt 3/4 C. butter and mix in.
Let stand at least 2 hours in fridge.
To cook, put small amount of oil in fry pan. Put about 2 TB of batter in and turn pan to spread. When light brown/edges looking drier flip.
Fill with Nutella, fruit, cinnamon sugar, syrup, chicken salad, deli meat...