Here is a very bitter sweet update for those who may still be checking this blog. Mostly sweet!
Months ago I stopped blogging to grow a baby. I was sick at the beginning and then at 16 weeks along I started having contractions. I was on a modified bed rest hoping to not dilate till many weeks later! Lucky for me I didn't. It was a very long few months, but also very humbling. I had many who brought me dinner and helped me with various things including spray painting :). That was my focus for those months was the baby growing inside of me waiting for December to come!
Well December came and so did my little bundle of joy...
He has brought the sweetest little spirit in our home! He is the best surprise ever! He also brought back to my mind whats important in life. I LOVED having months of not worring about more then was nessecary. I didn't miss this blog. I miss the comments but not the time spent on it or the daily updates. I didn't miss the blog parties, nor did I miss putting my kids off to get it all done. I realized blogging is not for me. I am not good with time managament with this blog. I can't find a time where I wouldn't have to ignore my kids or husband to get it done. I admire those who are successful at it. My life however, blogging just doesn't fit into it anymomre. My husband has a demanding church responsiblilty and a demanding new job. We get limited amount of time together. I had to let something go. It has to be this blog.
I will miss it. I will miss all my blog friends. But I want more then anything to be a mom and just a mom. That is who I am and where I shine. It full fills me! This baby has made me realize my kids will be grown and gone way to fast. I need to make memories while I can :)! Thank you to all those who have prayed for me and my family with my husbands job hunt and the safety of my little baby. I felt them and many times the prayers carried me through. Thank you! May you all be blessed in this new year!!
You know the day where you could put ALL the thoughts inside your head to rest and get started on them?!?!?
For months now I have been planning on painting a crib...white....with pink stenciling...really light pink...
I had a name! A cute girl name picked out!
I know we are missing a little girl in the family! I thought for sure we would add her......
but...then I heard the tech say...IT'S A BOY!
All I could do was lay there in COMPLETE shock! I didn't even know what to think!
The crib...I won't be painting...cause I don't think he would appreciate pink on his crib...
A name...nope have NO clue where to even begin with figuring one out!
All I could do was stare at this child....for almost 22 weeks I thought it was a girl in there....
I am wrong. And it is okay!
He is healthy, well, and ready to be in the family!
Did I mention...I gave away ALL my boy stuff...yes....I really did!
I thought for sure we were having a girl and then we were done....:) is a boy...we will get cute little blue and green things...a new house...and....well...not the last baby like we thought...but we will get this bundle of joy to love....and Richard will get his prayers answered :)
The first words Richard said to me..."I told ya mom!"
He has said from day one he was praying for a boy! Looks like his faith is stronger then mine :)!
I had so many FUN and CUTE ideas for the upcoming holiday, couch calls my name more :)!
I still don't feel great and life is very overwhelming right now!
My husband has been looking for a job since last October since his clerkship is up in August.
Well, usually people would be BEGGING him to come be at their firm due to clerking at the Indiana Supreme Court....but thanks to the economy that is not the case :(.
To say the least it is stressful! Being pregnant on top of it all is even more stressful!
We were hoping to have our house built by now....that is no longer going to happen! We would not get it built now till October...that is 6 weeks from having this baby.....I would be a wreck...!
So....we are hopeful to receive a phone call soon! We are hoping to put an offer on our FAVORITE house right now....but we need just one, teeny, tiny thing....A JOB!
I don't understand the timing of this baby or my life right now....I am sick, tired, lonely, and stressed!
Please bare with me. I should be back soon! I will have so many fun things to share!
Really, I promise! Just 3 more weeks and I will be 16 weeks. That is when my life feels a little normal again!
Happy June by the way! Oh, and if you could say a little prayer that we get one of two job leads....I wouldn't mind one teeny, tiny bit!
So have you wondered if I left blog land permanently?????
Well...I haven't....I have just been on my bed....or couch....letting everything else take the back burner.
I have been sick for about 4 weeks now. REALLY sick...UNTIL....
I bought some Vitamin B12. Seriously people....why didn't anyone tell me about that 3 times ago????
In April we had a great surprise...I thought it really could not be!
We have been trying and trying and trying to have more kids...with no luck!
We have gone down the miscarriage road twice. We have had some testing done with normal results.
It was a hard, hard thing to go through. My hear aches for others who are facing the same trial. It was a faith growing experience for me.
In March we were questioning if we even try any longer. Emotionally I simply couldn't take much more and still raise my kids and be a semi-nice mom. I needed to move on.
Little did I know...that we were already pregnant.
It is a feeling of excitement, but oh so scary all at the same time! We lost the last two it was a hard thought to process that it actually might happen.
Well today my friends.....the excitement begins....we have a HEALTHY HEARTBEAT!!!!!!
There could have not been a better sound!
A funny thing we dropped two eggs....but they could only find one baby! We are happy for one!
It just simply takes to much time away from my little family!
I need this time to prepare for the future with all the changes we have and most importantly to be with my three kids without being stressed or overwhelmed!
Today I want to share with you one of my not so secrets :)!
Shopping! I LOVE to shop.....BUT....I HATE to spend full price on ANYTHING!
I won't do it! I can't do it! I just simply have a heart attack if I have to!
So, with three kids needing summer clothes I was freaking out a little BECAUSE...I usually buy EVERYTHING the year before when stores do the end of year clearance! husband and I set out Saturday for the outlets. Before I went though....HERE IS MY SECRET...
I printed ALL the coupons I possibly could find!
Chilren's Place, Gap, Osh Kosh,Carters....pretty much ALL stores....have ONLINE COUPONS!
So my friends...I am proud to say I spent UNDER $200 and got MOST of the THREE kids clothes for summer!
That included....Easter outfits AND swimming suits :)!